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Founded in 2013, The Plantrician Project is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation dedicated to educating, equipping and empowering physicians, healthcare providers and other health influencers, with the evidence-based knowledge about the indisputable benefits of whole food, plant-based nutrition and its remarkable ability to prevent, suspend, and reverse chronic diseases.

Our programs aim to address the urgent global health crisis caused by suboptimal diets high in ultra-processed and animal-based foods and low in fiber-rich, whole plant-based foods. The industrialized dietary eating pattern contributes to a range of common diseases and leading causes of death worldwide, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes,  Alzheimer’s, and many others.

Clinicians who integrate the therapeutic use of plant-based nutrition into their practice can have an exponential impact with physicians averaging 10,000 – 20,000 patients over the course of their careers, creating an exponential opportunity for change. Our comprehensive range of programs include:

  1. Our premier annual Int’l Plant-Based Nutrition Healthcare Conference
  2. Plantrician University, a free, evidence-based nutrition education platform for health profession students and faculty worldwide
  3. The Health Equity & Lifestyle Project Conference in partnership with Healthy Heart Nation to explore health disparities and solutions in the African American Community
  4. The International Journal of Disease Reversal and Prevention (IJDRP), our open-access peer-reviewed medical journal documenting the science of nutrition and lifestyle
  5. Plantrician Providers, a searchable, global directory and subscription program for clinicians and allied health professionals
  6. Plant-Based Quick Start GuidesPediatric Plant-Based Quick Start Guide, and an online cooking program, Culinary Rx, with Rouxbe Cooking School
  7. State of the art Regenerative Health program with Rodale Institute, bringing farmers and healthcare practitioners together

When all healthcare professionals are empowered with nutritional science, this could lead to a dramatic decrease in chronic disease, early mortality, and disability for millions worldwide.